Every Child Matters.

Our Mission at Unique Housing is to centralise the needs of
the young people at the heart of what we do.

A Team Of Experience

The managing director has a degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice, with experience being an Appropriate Adult for Young people and vulnerable adults in police custody. 

The other director has a gym located in Chatham, being able to offer Boxing, Kickboxing, general fitness and nutritional plans for our young people.

Investing In Our Children

We have trained staff, with previous experience dealing with looking after children, supporting people with learning difficulties, along with complex mental health needs.

Unique Housing offers a comfortable home for young people aged 16-18 years who have different needs.

We provide daily living experiences and activities which are meaningful, memorable and designed to meet their individual needs, while preparing them for independent adult life.

How We Work

Real Support

Our Mission at Unique Housing is to centralise the needs of young people at the heart of our service. We offer independence, real care and provide support that can help young people reach their potential and ultimately achieve their goals.

Strong Stability

We offer a safe and comfortable environment providing a high level of care and service. We believe this is important for young people to live a happy and crime-free life. With such strong stability, our young people have the opportunity to build genuine life skills.

True Education

Unique Housing helps young people gain access into education, training and employment which are all essential to meeting their full potential. Alongside gaining valuable life skills, we are big advocates of building strong relationships with friends and family.

Genuine Care For Children

Each young person should feel as though their opinions and attitudes are acknowledged, understood and respected. We are committed to make our young people feel part of our big family, as well as an individual that has choice.

We value our young peoples opinions and choices, and feel it is important they are actively involved in making decisions about their life, and their pathway. 

Our Promise

We understand everyone makes mistakes and we help our young people learn from their mistakes.

We promise to change the lives of young people for the better.

Our Leaders Of Tomorrow

If it involves helping our young adults, then we want to hear from you.

All related inquiries are welcome.

Unique Housing is a Limited company,

created February 2023.

Contact Us